Root Canals

Root Canals

A Root Canal is a treatment of the space within the root of a tooth or the pulp.  Root canals also indicate a treatment of the pulp of the tooth that is infected and inflamed.  Instead of removing the tooth a root canal treatment is done to save the tooth.

Reasons For Root Canal Therapy:

  1. Severe toothache or pain
  2. Collection of pus pocket forms or an abscess in the gums
  3. A deep cavity that reaches to the pulp
  4. Tooth trauma after the tooth was hit with great force and affects the pulp
  5. Tooth fracture reaches the pulp
  6. Repeated dental procedures that cause the pulp to inflame

Despite the above reasons for root canal therapy, it is still advisable to consult with your dentist to find out after a thorough diagnosis if the root canal procedure is right for you.

Jovial Smiles Dental, offers root canal treatment.  The highly qualified dentists and well trained staff will be extra careful and thorough with the examination, diagnosis and root canal treatment procedures.  Your overall oral health care is our concern.

For more information about Root Canal Treatment in Jovial Smiles Dental, MD, contact our office at 240-670-8197 or click here to schedule a consultation.

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